in the Northern Indiana and Southwest Michigan areatransforming michiana through Restoration
Why choose ZIolkowski Construction for your Restoration project?
Masonry preservation can be can considered in two ways. Number one is the preservation of a historic building to preserve the integrity of the structure and return it to its days of glory. The second is the proper maintenance of a masonry building to prevent it from becoming a major restoration project in the future. Masonry, like all building materials, should be properly maintained to ensure the integrity of the building envelope and longevity or service life of the building.
Ziolkowski Construction’s Masonry Restoration has developed an excellent reputation in both preservation of historic building and the maintenance on non-historic buildings.
In addition to masonry restoration and rehabilitation, we offer technical restoration and consulting services in all of the following areas associated with commercial, industrial, and institutional projects:
Historic masonry restoration
Building cleaning
Masonry caulking & cleaning
Decorative coating
Masonry replacement
Stone restoration & replacement
Waterproof coatings
award for restoration excellence
2007 Indiana/Kentucky Golden Trowel Awards
Best of Restoration/Preservation for the LaPorte County Courthouse, LaPorte, IN
2005 Indiana/Kentucky Golden Trowel Awards
Restoration/Preservation Exterior
International Masonry Institute
Oliver Boiler House South Bend, IN
Masonry Construction Magazine
2005 Project of the Year Competition
"Best Historic Restoration"
Sniff Hall Tri-State University Angola, IN